
 Our Process


At Nor Financial we provide you with the right advice at the right time.

Our specialised service aims to deliver advice that makes complex problems simple and structures that stand the test of time.


What does the Process look like?

Step 1 - Initial Meeting

We’ll discuss your reasons for seeking advice & gather personal information, identify your goals, objectives and priorities. We’ll then estimate what research we might need to outline of the path ahead and how this might benefit you. This initial meeting is at our cost.

Step 2 - Research & Planning

After we research all current policies and accounts you hold we can then consider strategies to achieve your desired outcomes. We then agree on an outline of your personalised financial plan and associated costs with accurate quotes.

Step 3 - Presentation of Your Financial Plan

We present your personalised financial plan and discuss the recommendations in detail. If you are happy with this we can start to implement your plan right away, or makes changes if required.


Step 4 - Implementation (Admin)

All necessary paperwork is prepared by us and we assist you to implement the recommendations in the correct order through to completion.

Step 5 - Maintenance

For complex investment or super clients, we occasionally offer an optional yearly maintenance at a low fixed rate but this is an exception to the rule. If you are an insurance only or simple investment client, we are simply there when you need us.

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What to bring to your Initial Meeting*

  • Completed Budget Planner

  • Bank Account Balances

  • Pay Slips (last 3) & employment contract

  • Financial documents last 2 yrs (self employed)

  • Superannuation Statements (most recent)

  • Tax file numbers & Drivers Licence or Passport

  • Loan balances & repayment details.

  • Investment statements (most recent)

  • Life Insurance policy details

    *The above information may or may not be required depending on your circumstances. Ultimately, we just need your (plus partner if applicable) undivided attention. We always confirm details post appointment so don’t feel like you need to exam prep before meeting with us.



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